
common gateway interface中文是什么意思

  • 公共网关接口,通用网关接口
  • 共同闸道介面
  • 通用网关接口,公用网关接口,公共网关接口
  • 通用闸道介面



  • 例句与用法
  • Common gateway interface , cgi
  • Cgi common gateway interface
  • Cgi common gateway interface
  • Cgi common gateway interface
  • Common gateway interface
  • Cgi . pm , a perl module used for dealing with the common gateway interface
  • Fastcgi is an open extension to the common gateway interface ; it defines a protocol to talk to persistent cgi programs via a socket
    Fastcgi是对cgi ( common gateway interface )的一个开放扩展;它定义了一种协议,可以通过一个套接字与持久的cgi程序进行通信。
  • Cgi ( common gateway interface ) used in pc is introduced into embedded tcp / ip technology . in the near future , we are trying to move to anther famous operation systems : clinux . clinux is a completed os , with its api , our work will be easier
    为了使系统运行稳定、满足实时响应的要求,我们需要嵌入式操作系统来作为系统的软件平台,课题中我们采用uc / os - ii作为嵌入式实时操作系统( rtos ) 。
  • It explorers a webgis - based process for land - use planning information publications and discuss on the model design land - use planning information web publication by establishing an example web site based on the materials of land - use planning of ruian , a city in the south of zhejiang province . it also discusses the implemental techniques used to tie the web server directly to an existing gis and to add gis functionality to the web , such as cgi ( common gateway interface ) , java , server api , asp ( active server pages ) . through comparation the work discusses which techniques and tools are more suitable for practical use
    基于webgis的土地利用规划信息发布与管理系统实例开发与实现在理论分析的基础上,本研究利用maplnfo地理信息系统软件以及autodeskmapguide网络地理信息系统平台,以asp 、 vbscript 、 javascnpt作为动态网页开发工具,结合浙江省瑞安市土地利用总体规划( 1997 2010年)的技术成果资料,设计并实现了以测览器用b务器为体系结构的基于webgis土地利用规划网上信息发布与管理的实例应用,为探索利用webgis进行土地利用规划信息发布应用的技术可行性与应用前景提供了应用参考。
  • The web database access technologies , such as common gateway interface , the special api technology , object web technology and java / jdbc technology , are deeply studied . with the basis of corba and the analysis of the java and jdbc principle , a web database solution based on java / iiop is presented . 3
    对公共网关接口、专用api技术、 objectweb技术以及java和jdbc技术等web数据库访问技术进行了较为详细的研究和探讨,并在分析java和jdbc原理的基础上,结合corba提出了基于java op的web数据库解决方案; 3
  • 其他语种释义
  • common gateway interfaceとは意味:《コ》共通ゲートウェイ?インターフェース◆【略】CGI◆【URL】www サーバーが外部のプログラムを利用する規格
  • 推荐英语阅读
common gateway interface的中文翻译,common gateway interface是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译common gateway interface,common gateway interface的中文意思,common gateway interface的中文common gateway interface in Chinesecommon gateway interface的中文common gateway interface怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
